About Us

Who’s behind Guiding Architects Barcelona?

Our professional and multicultural team of architects has been deciphering the architectural complexity of the city of Barcelona for 25 years to professionals and architecture lovers from countries and cultures all over the world.

As active architects, teaching and living in Barcelona we are directly involved in the architectural and urban development of the city, which allows us to give a detailed vision of the most contemporary Barcelona taking into account both current and historical contexts.

Last but not least, as co-founder of the Guiding Architects Network, we promote and share our knowledge with our colleagues in over 40 cities around the world.

Expert team for architectural tours in Barcelona, posing in front of white building facade

© Andrés Flajszer

© Andrés Flajszer

About Us

Who’s behind Guiding Architects Barcelona?

Our professional and multicultural team of architects has been deciphering the architectural complexity of the city of Barcelona for 25 years to professionals and architecture lovers from countries and cultures all over the world.

As active architects, teaching and living in Barcelona we are directly involved in the architectural and urban development of the city, which allows us to give a detailed vision of the most contemporary Barcelona taking into account both current and historical contexts.

Last but not least, as co-founder of the Guiding Architects Network, we promote and share our knowledge with our colleagues in over 40 cities around the world.

We put all our expertise at your service:

We create bespoke architectural tours adapted to your needs.

We provide high value-added experiences and help you to understand the city’s emerging architectural phenomena.

We go deeper into the most exciting topics of architecture in Barcelona, according to the specific interests of each client.

We create bespoke architectural tours adapted to your needs.

We provide high value-added experiences and help you to understand the city’s emerging architectural phenomena.

We go deeper into the most exciting topics of architecture in Barcelona, according to the specific interests of each client.

Origin and personality of Guiding Architects Barcelona

Guiding Architects Barcelona was founded in 1994 by Professor Hans Geilinger and taken over by architect Lorenzo Kárász in 2013. Together with his team, he disseminates the role of architecture and urban planning as the backbone of the development of the city without leaving aside its socio-cultural context.

Fast forward to today, we carry out guided tours in various formats, spread architectural and urban culture through lectures, seminars and publications, and organise from workshops to authority meetings to construction site visits. And not only that: we also collaborate with the Mies van der Rohe Foundation in order to guide architecture lovers from all over the world on site and virtually through the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion, possibly one of the most outstanding buildings in the history of modern architecture.

Headshot of GA Barcelona team member Lorenzo Kárász

© Andrés Flajszer

© Andrés Flajszer

Lorenzo Kárász
CEO and Partner

Born in Vienna with family roots in Italy and Hungary, he has been living in Barcelona since 2009, where he serves as the CEO, architect, and architectural photographer.

He studied architecture at the Technical University of Vienna and at the ETSAB in Barcelona. He has collaborated with several Austrian and Catalan studios on rehabilitation, landscape design, and urban planning projects. Since 2013, he has been the director of Guiding Architects Barcelona, where he conducts guided tours, courses, and lectures. He is also the curator of exhibitions and the author of publications on the architectural culture of Barcelona, collaborating with numerous Spanish and international universities, public administrations, cultural entities, associations, and companies. Additionally, he is a member of the board of directors of the international network Guiding Architects.

Languages: Spanish, Catalan, German, English, Italian

Headshot of GA Barcelona team member Hans Geilinger

© Andrés Flajszer

© Andrés Flajszer

Prof. Hans Geilinger
Founder and Partner

Swiss architect based in Barcelona since 1993. Founder of Guiding Architects Barcelona, promoter and founding member of the association Guiding Architects worldwide. 

Understanding and imparting architecture as a complex expression of the cultural, political and economic state of a society has always been the focus of his work. 

Assistant professor at the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), visiting professor at La Salle School of Architecture Barcelona (ETSALS), visiting professor at the HafenCity University Hamburg – University of Architecture and Metropolitan Development (HCU), professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Applied Sciences Zurich (ZHAW / HSZ-T) Author of several publications on Barcelona in scientific journals. Author of research projects on urban interfaces in Switzerland and in collaboration with the Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana “José Antonio Echeverría” (CUJAE) in Cuba. He also has his own architecture studio in Barcelona.  

In combination with his work as a senior partner of Guiding Architects, he has been sailing his 40-foot sailing boat around the world in stages since 2011, taking an interest in cultures in remote places.

Languages: Spanish, English, German and French


Headshot of GA Barcelona team member Josep Ferrando

© Andrés Flajszer

© Andrés Flajszer

Josep Ferrando Bramona
External Consultant

Architect from Barcelona and director of the Josep Ferrando Architecture studio. In line with the multifaceted vision of architecture he defends, he combines the characteristics of a craftsman with those of an academic – he’s dean of the Higher Technical School of Architecture at La Salle Barcelona (ETSALS) – and those of a cultural affairs director – he’s the director of the Barcelona Open Centre of Architecture. He is also head of the Culture Department at the Catalonia College of Architects. Under his management the institution has been recognised with the National Culture Award.

His work has been exhibited in various countries and he’s held monographic exhibitions on his work at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2014, at the prestigious gallery Architekturforum Aedes in Berlin and the Museum of Modern Art (MAM) in Rio. In 2016 he took part in the exhibition “Unfinished” in the Spanish pavilion at the 15th Venice Biennale, which was awarded the Golden Lion. He has received international recognition, being several times winner of the FAD awards, the first prize in Buenos Aires International Architecture Biennial BIABA’15 and finalist of the Iakov Chernikov International Award. 

Languages: Catalan, Spanish and English


Ana Fernández

Architect, she got her master’s degree at the National University of Buenos Aires. 

Her social commitment and her interest in innovative housing models make her one of the most outstanding experts in cohousing and social housing in Barcelona.

She has acquired extensive international experience in Argentina, France, the Netherlands, the U.K. and Spain. She was a leading architect at KAW architecten in Groningen, the Netherlands. She is the founder of archi_collective and COL·LAB, both based in Barcelona. 

Languages: Spanish, Dutch, English and French

www.archicollective.com | www.colab.cat

© Andrés Flajszer

© Andrés Flajszer

Stefanie Herr

As an active, creative and committed artist, she abstracts and maps her built and intellectual environment, inviting us to participate in her new and unexpected ways of seeing things.

She studied architecture at the TU Berlin and ETSA in Barcelona. She settled in the Catalan capital in 2002, where she worked in different architectural studios before starting her artistic career in 2007. An architect by vocation, she currently combines her creative work by collaborating with Guiding Architects and ADA Agency for the Dissemination of Architecture.

Languages: German, Spanish and English


Mónica Cruz Guáqueta

She studied architecture at the Universidad de Los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia). She lives in Barcelona since 2002, where she has specialised in the History of Architecture in Barcelona and Europe, focusing on the transition from the 19th to the 20th century and the transformation of domestic architecture. She was in charge of the archives at the Gaudi Chair at the UPC for 12 years, where she led the documentary research for the organisation of the collection. This has allowed her to get to know Gaudi’s work in the context of fin-de-siècle Barcelona. She’s currently working on her doctoral thesis in History and Theory of Architecture at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

Languages: Spanish and English

Headshot of GA Barcelona team member Pedro Capriata

Pedro Capriata

Born in Lima, Peru, he studied architecture at the Ricardo Palma University. After working some years as an independent architect, stage designer and university lecturer, he moved to Barcelona in 2004, where he has collaborated with various local architectural firms, institutions and museums.

In 2017, he obtained a PhD in Theory and History of Architecture at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya with a specialization in modern art.

He has published several articles in trade journals and currently works as an online lecturer at the Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de América Latina and at the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas.

Languages: Spanish, Catalan, French and English

Dori Arbel Chemla

Dori is an Israeli architect based in Barcelona. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture from the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem, as well as a Master in Advanced Studies in Architecture from the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB).

He currently works on freelance projects both in Barcelona and in collaboration with architectural firms throughout Israel, while also taking special interest in urban research and academic writing.

Languages: Hebrew, English and Spanish

Inés Casanova Silva

Venezuelan landscape architect living in Barcelona since 2016, combining her design work with teaching practice and architectural tours. She studied architecture at Universidad Central de Venezuela in Caracas, as well as a Master in Landscape Architecture and a Master MBArch in Theory, History and Culture, both at UPC-ETSAB.

Collaborating Professor of the Degree in Arts at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), and a former professor at the School of Architecture at Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), Caracas.

Currently, collaborating with BDU Espacios de Valor, designing and planning open spaces in cities throughout Spain. Furthermore, she has contributed to important firms in Venezuela, Spain and France, such as Taller Integral del Paisaje, Enlace Arquitectura, BCQ Arquitectes and Agence Ter.

Languages: Spanish, English and French

Bruno Sève

An architect, urban planner and artist from France, he sees design as a tool that goes beyond forms and functions, adding an ethical, social and ecological commitment. 

After collaborating for more than six years as an expert in urban planning and project manager in Joan Busquets’ company BAU for projects in France, he opened his own studio in Barcelona. He is also currently a lecturer at the Barcelona School of Technology ETSAB.

Languages: Spanish, French and English


Guiding Architects

Global Network

GA Barcelona is co-founder of Guiding Architects, an international network for architecture tours which, in addition to inter-city architecture trips, offers professional excursions and tours in more than 40 locations around the world. As a team of architects with many years of local experience, our members have valuable insider knowledge and excellent contact to the local architecture scene.

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